Dot Lung

  • Icon SpeakerSpeaker

Profitable Personal Branding – The “Mother of Social Media Dragons” about The secret to influence.


With the help of Dot Lung, she’ll show you why using her 6 elements to grow your influence on social media are so important. She’s launched Instagrams for Wix Playground, OFFF, Digital Design Days and collaborates with clients like Facebook, Teachable, Sales Force and HRC. On top of working with these brands she is passionate about empowering creatives and personal brands to create successful social media strategies for their businesses. She’s got 75,000 students enrolled in her online courses… and there’s a reason why her proven method generates such high brand awareness, builds such meaningful relationships with audiences and is used to create social strategy for some of the world’s most recognizable companies. If you want to build a Profitable Personal Brand, you are not going to want to miss this chat with Dot. See you there.

