The last couple of months surely took a toll on our carefreeness towards physical contact with people in our close environment and especially towards people we don’t know (yet). Shaking hands or the french Bisou-Bisou have been somewhat eliminated from our gestural repertoire and leave us awkwardly waving at our friends instead of giving them a hug.

And if life was not difficult enough, how can we translate all of this to dating?
The London based photographer and art director Aleksandra Kingo recently published her latest series of images for Hunger Magazine dealing with the very valid question on how to date in times of social distancing. Together with the stylist Natasha Freeman and the set designer Amy Friend she created an, as usual, bold and colorful set of solutions, on how to get close to your date despite 1 to 2 meters of distance.

The photographer is known for her humorous work which often depicts situations that are floating somewhere between funny and awkward. With her lighthearted approach,

Aleksandra manages once again, even in times of uncertainty, to put a smile on our faces. On top of that, we think that some of the solutions might be definitely coming in handy as an icebreaker for the next date in times of social distancing.

Get to know more about Aleksandra here.