The first digital cutting table for the sustainable FREITAG bags, it is all you ever wanted and more.
Have you ever thought that you would like to make your FREITAG bag a little different? Of course the Zurich based manufacturer creates stunning designs for their bags, but what if you could be the designer of your bag? Luckily, that’s no longer a dream! With F-Cut you can design your F712 DRAGNET by yourself.
The website will guide you through the steps of customizing your F712 Dragnet. When you open the website or the cutting table, you can choose between 20-50 truck tarps. Obviously the tarps will be updated from time to time. On the available tarps, you will see where other people have already cut out pieces for their bags. So you will need to do a little experimenting to find enough space on the tarps that you need for your bag. However, you can also use more than one of the available tarps for your bag. What we admire about FREITAGs sustainability is that they will try to create even more out of the leftover tarps after they are not compatible anymore with the virtual cutting table. So when there isn’t enough space for the customer to cut out a piece for their customized bag, FREITAG creates something else out of the ordinary.
“By the way, of course we make sure that all F-Cut tarp leftovers are well used: once we remove a digitized truck tarp from because you cannot create any more messengers bag on it, we use the remaining tarp pieces to produce smaller goods, among others for F40 JAMIE or pouches.” – says Anna Kerschbaumer, project lead of FREITAG.
When the design is finished you can decide whether you want the classic FREITAG logo or the special “My Fault” logo.
If you order your bag, it will take a few weeks to receive your finished product because FREITAG will make it just as perfect for you as you want it to be. If you find that your custom bag isn’t as satisfying as you thought, then it’s just your uniquely designed bag and FREITAG’s motto with F-Cut is “It’s all your F-ault”. So our recommendation is to choose carefully then nothing can go wrong and everyone will be happy.

What we think about
We have tried F-Cut ourselves and it is very easy to use. Of course, choosing tarps is a bit difficult because many people are using it at the same time, trying to find the perfect cut. For us, it was exciting to try the different designs that we thought would work (it did not always look as good as we thought – our bad). So we want to compliment the FREITAG bag designers, who do this all the time and create on a daily basis perfect looking FREITAG bags. Overall, it was a fun experience, and if there had been perfect truck tarps for our bags, some of us might have ordered a bag right away. However, if you really want to design your own bag, you just have to be patient and check every other day to see if there are new tarps available.
One thing we missed, because we tend to be backpack wearers, was that we would have liked to choose between more bag or backpack models from FREITAG. Apparently FREITAG has already plans for that and will surprise us in the future with even more.
“In a way, there is a natural limitation for our F-Cut one-offs: there are not infinite seats at our digital cutting table and also the production of customized bags needs more time compared to our regular production process. But customization fans with a little bit of patience don’t have anything to worry about: From the start, we developed this customization tool as a long-term service and the enthusiastic feedback now encourages us to develop new editions in the future, based on different FREITAG bag models.” – continues Anna Kerschbaumer