Every month, the Forward Magazine brings you a selection of musical pearls hand-picked by friends, musicians, speakers of the Forward Festival and many more. The 15th edition is curated by the Austrian graphic design studio and speakers at Forward Festival Munich OrtnerSchinko.



OrtnerSchinko prepared something very special for you: a unique playlist with a one of a kind selection. You’ll surprised of the diversity and the increasing intensity of emotionality. Our love for OrtnerSchinko will still be strong after the boys of summer have gone!


OrtnerSchinko is a graphic design studio that consequently implements appearance and design. In print and digitally. There is no either-or, but strategies for art direction, design, and materials that work. Reduction that puts the essential into the spotlight. A uniqueness that speaks volumes visually. Sense, and meaning for people who appreciate the value of graphic design.


If you want to know more about OrtnerSchinko check out their speaker profile. Catch their talk at Forward Festival Munich. Get your ticket here.