www.dieSpruecheklopfer.at. is probably the most unimportant podcast there is. The words on the sticker from the young podcaster and no longer quite young copywriter Günter Klinger are not hesitating. His podcast „Die Sprücheklopfer“ (in German language) talks about creativity in advertising. Writing slogans, concepts and social media content. Everything that tempts us into buying on ad-pages, billboards, commercials and digital channels.
What are they doing and what drives them?
Who are they, creating campaigns for banks, frozen fish and mobile networks? Where do they get their ideas? And how did they become who they are? „That’s what I’m most interested in,“ says the Sprücheklopfer and podcaster, „especially for copywriters there is no regular path. So you meet a motley crew, from dropouts to former poker players. Whoever has the necessary talent and endurance, will find a place in advertising“. Therefore he loves the branch till today. Despite all its limitations, it offers more freedoms than anywhere else.
From Sprücheklopfer to Sprücheklopfer
Günter Klinger always liked talking about campaigns, arguing what’s good or bad creation, reading interviews and books from creatives. And he likes the different characters in this field. Nerds, maniacs, normals, egocentrics, teamplayers, loud and quiet ones. In his more than 30 years of agency experience, he met all of them. As podcast listeners, we come closer to some of them. The talks seem very personal. Less than interviews, more like among colleagues.
Do writers like talking about writing?
Yes, they do. Only sometimes someone declined the invitation. Due to a pitch or lack of time. Most of the requests proceed uncomplicated. Advertisers and creatives love to talk about their job. And they love listening to others. How they think and how they work. It can be comforting, to not be alone struggling with similar problems. But above all it’s inspiring and encouraging. „So I look forward to every new talk. And if my listeners feel the same, it’s all the better!“
Die Sprücheklopfer coming monthly: www.dieSpruecheklopfer.at, Podigee, Spotify und various podcast-apps.