"Break your creative Block" by Thuli Wolf

  • Icon WorkshopWorkshop

Break your Block. Unleash your Creativity.


Every Creative fears it, most already experienced it: A Creative Block.


It can be annoying, scary but in bad cases can lead to anxiety.
A state of meta-anxiety – the fear of the fear – is a very common complication. To break the cycle you need to stand still and understand what the creative block is trying to tell you. Because the only way out of the creative block is through it.


This workshop offers you a space to fight the fear, to learn how to overcome a creative block and to artistically express it.

Together you can take a step back. Within the group you can find creative solutions to break the cycle of your creative block and heal your creativity wound in a playful and light way. Co-create with a group of like-minded people that can offer you a different perspective and allow you to look at your creative block from a completely new perspective.


Attendance of this Workshop is only possible as a Forward Festival Ticketholder.




Friday, April 26th: 11am – 12:30pm


As soon as you have purchased your ticket we will keep you up to date with everything regarding your workshop!

