Stefan Sagmeister

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Unleash your creativity with Stefan Sagmeister at the Forward Festival.


Stefan Sagmeister returns as our host of Forward Festival Vienna 2023 at the legendary Gartenbaukino!


Stefan will be guiding you through our 2-day program full of creativity while having in-depth conversations with our speakers. His special connection to Forward is based on the shared mission to inspire creatives beyond the borders of any genres. This year he will be enjoying the talks with you, leading thrilling discussions with speakers as well as asking your questions.


He once said that the world is a beautiful place, and we certainly agree with him. So let’s explore the beautiful world of creativity together. Our speakers and Stefan will give you a festival packed with inspiring input, as well as room for exchange and opportunities to be creative yourself.


Stefan Sagmeister will host the Forward Festival Vienna in October. On stage with him, you will be able to hear creatives like Max Siedentopf, Yuko Shimizu, Sander Plug and many more.
