Move slow and repair things: Designing for the next billion seconds.


What futures do we want to remember by the 2050s? What stories do we need to imagine collectively today to be able to shape better tomorrows one billion seconds from now? How can a thought experiment as redesigning the digital economy change the way we relate between humans, non-humans and with the Planet? What if we start thinking of ourselves as interdependent citizens rather than internet users?


In this talk, we will share how we are using The Everything Manifesto as a meta-brief to learn collectively how to use hypothetical questions and fictional narratives as post-technological design tools to develop useful fiction stories about how everyday life can change in the next billion seconds, as a way to exercise our collective imaginations with the long-term, critical and planetary mindsets needed to navigate the complexity, scale and speed of change of the multidimensional implications that the digital economy has in the environmental emergency.


Lucy Black-Swan & Andres Colmenares are the co-founders of IAM, the alternative think-tank exploring and addressing the multidimensional implications of the digital economy and internet cultures in the futures of the Planet. They are also co-directors of IAM Weekend, the annual gathering and transdisciplinary community for creative thinkers & doers learning collectively how to internet together and address the environmental emergency during the next billion seconds.


Lucy & Andres also run IAM Futures, a creative foresight consultancy using futures as tools to help organisations grow their cultural relevance, designing alternative learning experiences, tools and programs with organisations such as Mobile World Capital Foundation, Red Bull, SPACE10 and BBC.

