Every month, the Forward Magazine brings you a selection of musical pearls hand-picked by friends, musicians, speakers of the Forward Festival and many more. The 23rd edition is curated by Forward Festival speaker SNASK.


‘Snasking it’ is the motto of the playlist by SNASK – and we are totally snasking the funky vibe! Not sure what that means? Then check out the compilation of good old masterpieces from a-ha and Cher, motivating beats by Giorgio Moroder and Tuxedo and a rocking finish with Queens of the Stone Age and Cactus. Are you dancing yet? We are for sure. It’s perfect to get in the mood for their talk at Forward Festival Vienna 2025!



SNASK is your future romance. A creative agency of misfit geniuses conquering the world through fine lookin’ design and real emotions. To worry about what people think of them they see as a waste of time. As long as they stay true to themselves, they are living their dream.


They see love as the only way forward, and they will never sell out or abandon their values. Standing up for their opinions and beliefs is the only way they know. They walk with their backs straight on the path to pursuing their truth. With one foot in front of the other, they seek to challenge conservative frameworks. They are doctors of disturbance, wizards of disruption and spokesmen of disobedience. They assume the responsibility to stay engaged, give a damn, and strive for empathy. There is a short word for this assumption of responsibility: love.