Every month we collaborate with wemakeit, in order to show you successful projects and behind-the-scene knowledge from the projects’ initiators. It’s amazing to see what the combination of creative ideas and the power of people can create.
The focus of our 8th edition lies on 4 successful film projects.
See how even stop-motion movies are interactive (yes, not only Blackmirror on Netflix), learn how to always believe in yourself like Ueli Maurer, get confronted with your survival instincts and the oddness of our complex modern life.
«The Department of Misfortunes»
One film, many possible stories: The Department of Misfortunes is an interactive show. A stop-motion animation is projected and the public can vote and thus choose how the story will unfold. While a narrator manages the vote and explains the procedure, eight musicians play the score live. The Department of Misfortunes is a project of Benoît Gisler and his Acousmatic Jug Band. Benoît is a bandleader and a composer for film, theater and media.
«Dog Men»
Dario and Mirko Bischofberger were born into an Italian family in Switzerland. Their forefathers used to live as illiterate farmers in Southern Italy working in the fields and eating dog meat to survive. It is this historical background of scarce resources that inspired them to make a science-fiction movie called Dog Men. The film is a story about hunting and being hunted, about extinction and survival, about dogs – and men.
«Shut Up, I’m Counting!»
This film is a transboundary project between film and graphic design. In the story Tara and Ohio are looking for the sign «X», that should lead them to the exit. They are guided by the Oracle and are misguided by the Dot. All this will lead up to a genre-mix somewhere between drama, adventure, sci-fi and graphic animation. This project is a grand declaration of love to our complex and absurd modern world.
«Ueli Maurers Pommes-Frites-Automat»
Ueli Maurer is an adorable tinkerer, unflinchingly he works towards his goal: the perfect French Fries machine. When project initiator Stephan Hille met Maurer he knew he had to do this documentary. This movie is an homage to a man who simply doesn’t quit. It shows the power and the energy you can gather when you believe in yourself and your goals.